$ mix new machine_learning_toolkit --umbrella
* creating .gitignore
* creating README.md
* creating mix.exs
* creating apps
* creating config
* creating config/config.exs
Your umbrella project was created successfully.
Inside your project, you will find an apps/ directory
where you can create and host many apps:
cd machine_learning_toolkit
cd apps
mix new my_app
Commands like "mix compile" and "mix test" when executed
in the umbrella project root will automatically run
for each application in the apps/ directory.
$ mix new utilities
* creating README.md
* creating .gitignore
* creating mix.exs
* creating config
* creating config/config.exs
* creating lib
* creating lib/utilities.ex
* creating test
* creating test/test_helper.exs
* creating test/utilities_test.exs
Your Mix project was created successfully.
You can use "mix" to compile it, test it, and more:
cd utilities
mix test
Run "mix help" for more commands.
$ mix new datasets
* creating README.md
* creating .gitignore
* creating mix.exs
* creating config
* creating config/config.exs
* creating lib
* creating lib/datasets.ex
* creating test
* creating test/test_helper.exs
* creating test/datasets_test.exs
Your Mix project was created successfully.
You can use "mix" to compile it, test it, and more:
cd datasets
mix test
Run "mix help" for more commands.
$ mix new svm
* creating README.md
* creating .gitignore
* creating mix.exs
* creating config
* creating config/config.exs
* creating lib
* creating lib/svm.ex
* creating test
* creating test/test_helper.exs
* creating test/svm_test.exs
Your Mix project was created successfully.
You can use "mix" to compile it, test it, and more:
cd svm
mix test
Run "mix help" for more commands.